Thursday 22 September 2011

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • Azmi A RaofTo look out in the same direction, it can be a bore, to spice your life we have to broaden our horizon n sharing our differences and try to accept that no one is the same....
    Lina Ahmad Looking at the same direction does not mean we have to look at things with a limited perspective. Of course each of us is an individual with our unique traits and characteristics. We respect those differences and complement each other instead of forcing the person we care about to change for us.
    Azmi A Raof Well if we look at the same direction all the time together,when is the unique traits and characteristics of an individual can be develope n appreciated....
    Nani-Syed Osman Owh?....hmm... if the unique traits and characteristics which are in the same direction are unable to be developed and are u gonna develop and appreciate those out in the horizon??? We should start with something small...and marvel on it rather than try to go big and ended up being superficial...... 
    Azmi A Raof Well to broaden the horizon doesnt mean to be that far off, just try to expand and explore bit by bit, you will never know what u can find, if it a mistake...rectified it, if it a success enriched it, sooner or later in your twilight years u can reflect...yes we have done all that....the experienced will make u a better person in the art of loving. 
    Nani-Syed Osman If u can find what MATTERS in ur 'backyard', I'd doubt u'll venture to other pastures...(broadening ur horizon) unless u find withered flowers and shrivelled plants have loomed and cluttered the soil.... then, in ur twilight years, u'll look over ur shoulders and wondered ' why have i taken for granted what MATTERS most in my life?'
    The art of loving is never measured by how many u loved but how have u loved...…..

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