Friday, 9 December 2011

Jogging: My bubbly self...

by Nani-Syed Osman on Sunday, May 8, 2011 at 5:00am
Yong and I would carry on with our weekend jogging. As we approached the end of our lag, one morning, a male jogger was just beginning his.He threw us a warm smile as we crossed path. "Hai, cikgu. Matahari dah tegak baru nak mula jogging?," I questioned the jogger. Since we live in Tanjong Malim near UPSI, most people we ran into are teachers. Very presumptuous of me.
We decided that we'll have tosai for bfast and headed to the usual 24hr mamak restaurant. I like to pick the table closest to the street to avoid the aroma in the restaurant.The morning conversation was usually steered around our children and when is our next TT. A car swerved quite next to our table and out came the male jogger. He closed his car door and  stepped into the restaurant.
As he passed our table, both Yong and I looked up and Yong said to him, "Cepatnya cikgu? Berapa round hari ni?".
The male jogger stopped and answered, "2 je. Dah lama tak g jogging ni kena mula pelan-pelan. 2 tu cukup la buat masa ni".
I added, "Lagipun dah panas ni. 2 pun ok lah sbb yang pentingnya keluar peluh".
"Meh cikgu, nak join kami bfast?," being the normally friendly me, I invited him to join us at our table although we were almost finishing ours.
He smiled at the offer and declined,"Eh...takpe." and walked to an available table slightly far from ours.

As our gaze was still upon him, I asked Yong, "Sape tu Yong?"
Yong turned and looked at me, "Eh? I tak kenal sape. I ingat you yang kenal dia....."

The moral of the story is: Kami ber2 memang peramah!!!!   :-)

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